Done For You


Done-For-You Launches & Your All In One Marketing Team

Our team of experts will help you launch your offers over and over without burning yourself out. They will help you scale your business and income, without having to spend more time working in your business. You will also receive strategy support from me!

TheĀ Automated StrategyĀ Package

Create more sales without relying on live launching with our done-for-you automated strategy package & program..

You will receive -Ā A strategy session with me, entire automated strategy creation, all sales pages and opt in pages, automation, graphics & email copy.

Learn More Here

The Done For You Launch Package


Are your live launches burning you out or not generating you the results you need? My team will take them over for you so all you need to do is show up for the things that require your face and your voice.

You will receive - A strategy session with me, sales and opt in pages, entire passive income funnel creation, automation, email and social media copy & graphics for every social media post.

Learn More Here

The Retainer Package


We will create all of the marketing strategies and content you need to grow and scale your business to multiple 6 figures and beyond.

You will receive - 3 months access to me and my team, monthly strategy sessions, 1:1 Voxer support, a minimum of 3 funnels with all the automation built out, graphics, copy editing & social media management.

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a selection of our work

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Our done for you pages are still under construction but in the meantime you can contact us and we will send you the details via email.

Instagram: @_laurieburrows
[email protected]


Sell Your Offers Every Day Without Live Launching

Learn how to create an automated strategy to sell your membership, course or mastermind that generates you tens of thousands in passive revenue so you can work just 15 hours a week.